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This Week's Learning

Term 3 Week 2

In English and Communication this week, we are going to turn our attention to instruction writing. We have been inspired by The Twits by Roald Dahl to create a piece of instruction writing entitled 'How to Make Mr M Angry". We will create simple command sentences and then use conjunctions to add additional clauses. We will also explore the text-level features of instruction writing and use them in our own compositions. 

In Phonics, we will use the 'el' digraph to make the /l/ sound. For example, camel, travel, chisel, tunnel, funnel. Our grammar focus is the use of commas in lists. 

In Guided Reading we will be using our vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval and Sequencing skills to explore 'The Paper Bag Princess'. We will also continue to read our class reading book, 'The Twits'. 

In Maths, we are turning our attention to money. We will begin by reading The Shopping Basket by John Burningham and explore the concept of money and how it is used in our everyday lives. Next, we will focus on coin and note identification and skip counting in 2, 5, 10 and 20s. Finally, we will complete activities in which we find the total amounts of pounds and pence. 

In Computing, we will use our programming skills to create algorithms for floor robots. We will then use and apply these skills to plan a 'floor robot quest. 

In Time and Place, we are going to use a walking time-line and 'A Street Through Time' resource to place the period of Knights and Castles into historical context. 

In Sport, Exercise and Health, we will be completing dance and Gymnastics activities. 

We will also be completing Mastering Number, PHSCE, RE and Design and the Arts activities as well. If you have any questions about any of these activities, please do not hesitate to contact us using the beech email address: