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Term 3 Week 3

Here is an overview of our learning activities for the week commencing 20th January 2025.

In our main Phonics lessons we will be learning to read and write words containing ‘ue’. In some words, it makes a ‘yoo’ sound (such as in fuel & argue) and in other words it makes an ‘oo’ sound (such as in glue & true). We will also be reading the words ’many’ and ‘laughed’ and writing the words ‘people’ and ‘looked’.

In English, we will be writing a fact file about fish, including the features of fish and what they eat.

In Maths, we will be using number lines to investigate and find missing numbers up to 20.

In Computing, we will be programming the Bee-Bots to move from one location to another using the forwards, backwards, left turn and right turn buttons.

In RE, we will be discussing how Christians put their beliefs that God is forgiveness and a friend to everyone into practice in their lives.

In Art, we will be continuing to mix poster paints to create different colours. We will also use poster paints to create our own wave pictures inspired by Miranda Lloyd.

In our Time and Place lesson, we will be comparing and contrasting two different time periods (late 1800s and 2025). We will also be continuing to learn about animals in Science.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, please contact us using the class email address (