Term 3 Week 3
What we are learning in Lilac Class for the week beginning 20.1.25
What we are doing this week in Lilac Class for the week beginning 20.1.25
For Maths this week in Lilac Class, we are multiplying 3-and 4- digit numberby a 2-digit number and thinking about where we should put the exchange and the use of a zero placeholder. We are then going to solve problems with multiplication by practising both formal and efficient mental strategies. Lilac Class will then be moving onto solving calculations using short division and exploring what you need to do if the number you are dividing by does not divide exactly into the first digit.
In English this week in Lilac Class, we are drafting and levelling up our viewpoint narrative. This piece of extended writing is based on the first chapter of Berlie Doherty’s Street Child entitled ‘The Shilling Pie’. We will be using a range of sentence openers to hook the reader and drawing on our brilliant vocabulary we have created during our planning sessions.
For Whole Class Guided Reading, Lilac Class are reading Chapter 3 of Street Child entitled ‘Rosie and Judd’. We will be finding out what life is like for the servants in a big Victorian house and studying the friendship between Mrs Jarvis and Rosie. We will also be thinking about the feelings and emotions that Mrs Jarvis must be experiencing when she leaves her two daughters in the big house.
In RE, we are investigating what keywords we could use to explain how a Hebrew would feel and experience. This is an activity to consolidate our work about the meaning of our key vocabulary – persecution, oppression, justice, injustice, freedom and salvation.
In ICT, Lilac Class are designing sequences that use count-controlled loops. We will also be adding a motor to our circuit. In French, Lilac Class are learning words for different members of our family and will be involved in partner work creating questions and answers.
For Time and Place, we are finishing off our work on using primary and secondary sources to find out information about Queen Victoria. We found out, for example, answers to the following: What sort of person was she? How did she feel when she became Queen? What was her childhood like? How long did she reign? For Science in Lilac Class, we are designing an experiment to find out which material is the best insulator: foil, wool, clingfilm or newspaper. This week we are writing our hypothesis based on our knowledge of insulation and materials and their properties. We will then conduct an experiment recording and examining our results.
In Design and the Arts we will start our samplers based on our plans. We will be learning to use a variety of stiches with different coloured thread.