Term 2 Week 7
What we are learning in Lilac Class for the week beginning 16.12.24
What we are learning this week in Lilac Class for the week beginning 16.12.24
In Maths this week in Lilac Class we are adding two mixed numbers using partitioning and recombining. We will then move onto subtracting fractions where one denominator is a multiple of the other. Pictorial representations will be used to support learning such as bar models and number lines.
In English this week in Lilac Class, we are finishing our best copies of our travel articles entitled ‘Come to Belize!’. For our Whole Class Guided Reading we are reading Chapter 17 of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. This is the final chapter of our guided reading text. We are explaining why the author C.S. Lewis in the final chapter may have given Edmund retribution.
In RE, we are discussing our Big Question ‘Was Jesus the Messiah?’ drawing on the knowledge we have gathered throughout this unit. What does the Messiah mean? What examples from the texts that we studied are evidence that Jesus was to be the Messiah?
In French, we are finishing off our learning about the different places you will find in a town, such as a swimming pool, church, bank, school, station or park. We are also learning the words for different forms of transport. Lilac Class are designing a map of an imaginary town, drawing and labelling the different places within it.
In ICT, we are finishing off our evaluations of our film making using digital cameras based on a whole class storyboard we wrote about St Barnabas School. We will be looking at the different shots we used and how we could improve our videos.
For Time and Place, we are finishing off our map work locating major cities in North and South America and finding out where Belize is in relation to these continents. For Science in Lilac Class, we are finishing off our work about levers, pulleys and gears; these forces allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.
There will be no Homework for the Christmas Holiday. However, there will be the rest of our e-book ‘Planet Earth’ on Purple Mash to read. I will also attach our Learning Curriculum Matrix with optional activities that your child might want to do over the holiday. I wish you a very Happy Christmas!